
2 Months Old!

Our little guy is now 2 months old. Can you even believe it? Time is just cruising. Well, I got my Canon XT fixed; just in time to snap some more birthday suit pictures.
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Unknown said...

Wow. He's looking like one great and powerful Og.

Unknown said...

I stand corrected RE: sea lions vs. seals. BTW, your shirt was not his target. fdk

Ethan said...

Tim: How can you be "great and powerful" if your dad strips you down until your buck naked and takes pictures of your rump?

Unknown said...

fred: ha! i'm pretty sure, however, that Ogden knows there's nothing coming outta those...

nate/ethan: i know it sounds a little vain, but these pics are taken at Ogden's request...how else to show his great- and powerful-ness??