

we made it safely to bob's place in bergen after roughly 24 hours of traveling, starting in san antonio. once we dropped our bags off, oggie headed straight outside for some frolicking while bob grilled up some pork chops. oggie then met his first norwegian friend, a girl named victoria that lives down the way.

oggie presented bob with homebrew ingredients to make a Fireman's 4 clone. apparently TSA did a full cavity search on the container, but we were still able to make it to norway with most of it. we're all glad to know that our latest beer is fully government-sanctioned!

bergen is such a beautiful town. we're enjoying the walks to the city. everyone stops and stares, though, when they see jesse and me each with a child in a carrier on our backs. it's all good, though...we're gonna be in great shape by the end of these 2 months!

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