All right! Here we go...some photos from the big adventure in Scandinavia.
Here's Og after landing in Stockholm. I guess we were a lil tired after the flight.

The view from our hotel in Old Town, Stockholm.

Enjoying lunch at The Stork on the Grand Square of Uppsala.

Looking like hipsters outside of the Cathedral Church (Lutheran, of course) in Uppsala.

The world's largest Dala Horse in Dalarna.

Midsummer pole at Sandviken in Dalarna.

Og with wild strawberries (channeling Ingmar Bergman) at the summer cottage.

Our wonderful hosts Eva, Mandus, and Liv in Vendel, just outside Uppsala.
Cool sculpture in Bergen.


Jess and Og having dinner overlooking Bergen.

Og and Tim crusing the fjords.
Taking in a beautiful lake near Ål, Norway.

Og mezmerized by a water sculpture in Oslo.

Og hanging out with his buddy, Johan in Oslo.

On the trail in Bergen with Uncle Bob.
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