
Happy Mother's Day!

Well, Ogden presented his favorite Mother with a screen door for Mother's Day. Now, Jesse can enjoy the "cool evening breezes of Anytown, USA" (Seinfeld, Serenity Now 10/9/97).
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, Hi there Timmy & Jess and Og!
These pictures were really nice to see. I just can't get over that the same little guy that use to cut my gress is now a daddy.
From what I can see in these pictures is that your a good daddy as well Timmy.
I trid to see more of Timmy in the baby face. But, then you all known why?
I just have to give it up and say OG looks like them both !!!
You all look so happy up in Albuguerque it really comes out in your smiles.
But, I hope that one day you come down to S.A. to viste so that I could see you all again.
Keep up the pictures and most of all, keep up the the great parent job your doing with Og.
Love and prayer's to you three.

Ms.Lupe Rodriguez