

During tummy-time today, Ogden suprised us all by accomplishing a full rollover. We couldn't believe it...what a hoss! Here are the action shots...


Unknown said...

My advice to you two is get your house babyproofed ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is quite a jump, from naked on a sheepskin to sideways torsion. Impressive, and cute, too.

Daniela said...

Way to go, little super-dude! You sure have been busy learning lots of feats since we saw you last...WEEK. Wow. It's good SOMEONE around here is going to be able to keep your parents on their toes!

Jennifer said...

Wow! Go Ogden!

Unknown said...

ya, jess and i expect he'll be walking by 3 months. guess we'll see...