
Gobble, gobble

After picking up Uncle Dave from the airport, we headed straight to Los Poblanos for the 2nd annual turkey 'harvest'. Og picked out a mighty hen, and then supervised as Dave and Dad 'processed' her.

She cooked up real nice. We headed over to the Else's house for Thanksgiving dinner with the Sullivan-Overgaards (along with a special appearance by Seba). Mom and Sidsel outdid themselves in the side dish preparation. Then during dinner Uncle Dave regaled us all in the true meaning of Thanksgiving as a celebration of Capitalism.

Og the Baker

Under the tuteledge of master-baker Mom, Oggie has honed his bread-baking skills. Here are some shots of his first masterpiece; mixed, kneaded, formed and baked by Og himself. The proof was, as you can see, in the eating.

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Happy Halloween!

So, Og had his first Jack-o-lantern carving experience! He was a bit apprehensive of all the wierd pumpkin innards, but he liked helping Mom draw out the face. After getting that squared away, Og slipped into his Halloween costume--a chicken...what else?!--and partied the night away with Puff the Dragon (aka Ezekiel). There was plenty of high fructose corn syrup for everyone!

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