
Uncle Bob

Uncle Bob came up to ABQ for a quick pre-Thankgiving visit. Og had a great time explaining all the complexities contained in Dada's homebrews. Oggie also introduced Bob to many of his new friends that stop by the porch to chat.

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Brewing Time

Og helped Dada brew up some pumpkin ale the other day. Because Dada's first "full mash" brew at one point requires multiple levels for the brewing apparatus, Og happily donated the use of his new learning tower for the effort.

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All Hallow's Eve

Had a great time last night. Og was in full character: charming guests, handing out candy, and enjoying some mulled wine on the porch. Og even got his first experience with nougat via a contraband Milky Way...it was love at first sight.

Ogden 20081101 Hallow's Eve